Tag Archives: Hampshire

Emsworth, Pentax PC35AF

Our first full day back in England and a little trip to Chichester and a stop in Emsworth on the way home – we got lucky with the weather with the sun coming out in the afternoon.

I dug out my old Pentax PC35AF – one of the cameras I’ve got stored at mum’s house.

I’ve finally added a page containing links to tags for all the different films used on the blog. The link is on the front page of the blog under ‘the film’ menu. Or you can just click here.

Not all the links have been added yet. But they’re coming very soon.

Pentax PC35AF / Agfa Vista Plus 200

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Clanfield Meadow, Ferrania Solaris 100

Some photos taken in Clanfield Meadow which is directly opposite my mum’s house. It’s a really lovely, peaceful spot. I used to wander through here with a camera when I lived at home with mum and dad.

This is the first roll of film I’ve shot with the nikkor 50mm f/1.2 – I’m still learning its ways. This was also the first time I’d shot Ferrania Solaris as well. It hasn’t been made for a few years now and is hard to get hold of. I recently found some online so decided to buy a few rolls.

I quite like it and it seems to have aged fairly well. I figured it’s probably expired by at least 5 or 6 years so shot it between 1 and 2 stops over. It’s hard to say exactly because the meter on my FM2 is broken and I sometimes forget my handheld light meter so I have to guess exposure or use sunny 16. I think it’s lost a bit of latitude as the whites seem noticeably over-exposed. I’m happy to have got the chance to shot some ferrania though.

Nikon FM2 / Ferrania Solaris 100 [expired] / Nikon 50mm f/1.2

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Cricket, Clanfield Meadow, Ferrania Solaris 100

Missed focus with the new Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 ais again.

We were watching my nephew play cricket on Clanfield Meadow when I took this pitcha. After that we went to the Rising Sun with my mum, my sister and her husband and James my nephew. I drank 2 pints of HSB. What a lovely evening.

Nikon FM2 / Ferrania Solaris 100 [expired] / Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 ais

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Chu Chu, Fuji Industrial 100

Some photos from the first roll taken using the nikkor 50mm f/1.2 ais. It’s going to take while to get used to focussing the thing.

These were taken on the promenade in Emsworth, a lovely little town in Hampshire on the South coast of England with a beautiful yacht harbour.

Nikon FM2 / Fuji Industrial 100 / Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 Ais

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