Lovely Day in Causeway Bay shooting Indonesian people. Lots of smiling faces and willing subjects.
Nikon F90X / Fuji Superia X-TRA 400
Lovely Day in Causeway Bay shooting Indonesian people. Lots of smiling faces and willing subjects.
Nikon F90X / Fuji Superia X-TRA 400
Some photos we took on our honeymoon in a small village somewhere around the Cherng Talay / Thalang districts.
NIkon FM2 / Kodak ProfotoXL
Mamiya Universal Press / Kodak Portra 400
Nikon FM2 / Fuji Industrial 100
Indonesian people celebrating Eid in Causeway Bay – and more than happy to be photographed. Very friendly – super day shooting.
Mamiya C220 / Kodak Portra 400