Some photos of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong taken from the rooftop of a building (239) on Hennessy Road.
Nikon FM2 / Agfa Vista Plus 200
Some photos of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong taken from the rooftop of a building (239) on Hennessy Road.
Nikon FM2 / Agfa Vista Plus 200
A very hazy day in Hong Kong. And by hazy, I mean polluted. You’ll notice that in the last pitcha you can’t see to the other side of Victoria Harbour. It’s because the air is too polluted.
Pentax Espio Mini / Agfa Vista Plus 200
A lazy Sunday at Victoria Park with the Pentax Espio Mini – a really great little 35mm compact camera.
Pentax Espio Mini / Agfa Vista Plus 200
I managed to go out and shoot the democracy protests for 1 afternoon. I got these 6 frames.
Nikon F100 / Fuji Superia X-tra 400 / 24mm
Nikon F100 / Fuji Proplus II 200